Maddox Construction is excited to announce that we have broken ground on the Heber City Main Street Park project. We are working closely with the city to replace utility lines on Route 200 South, tie the lines into the mains on Main Street, and build a new outdoor theater/bandshell at the 3.5 acre park.
“We are excited to be working with Heber City on this important project,” said Kaden Maddox. “The project may disrupt traffic around the park for a while, but in the end, it will make the park experience even better for the people.”
The utility work involves ripping out the existing utility lines along Route 200 South, removing topsoil, and bringing in approved road base and bedding sand for the installation of new utilities. Once the new lines are installed, they will then be tied into the mains on Main Street. The project is slated to be completed by September 30th.
The project also involves building a new outdoor theater/bandshell in Main Street Park. While the work on the bandshell will run throughout the summer, it will not affect the entertainment schedule at the park. Our work will end early each Thursday afternoon to accommodate the slate of summer events in the park. The theater project will run through August 31st.